My dreams written down. What is my unconscious trying to tell me?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Night of 1st October 2010

The restaurant/cafe's in a concrete and brick complex of buildings. It's outside, the weather might be good. It feels like an LA cafe. There's a sense of space, openness (like you get in the US).

I'm scaling along the outside of some walls, standing on pipes and brick ledges. The pipes are not drainpipe thin, but more like industrial piping—quite wide, and strong: easy to stand on. My dinner partners are looking on, I'm trying to impress them with my daring route/skill.
I negotiate the last bits of pipe and ledge, drop down by our table - a square table, there are three other guests - and expect some applause or adulation. The others are not as impressed as I thought they'd be. Granted I wasn't that high up - perhaps a little higher than my height - but I tell them that I was just demonstrating; usually I'm much higher up. They remain unimpressed.

I wake.

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