My dreams written down. What is my unconscious trying to tell me?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Night of 3rd June 2010

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are in fierce armed conflict in the garden of the house I grew up in. I watch from my bedroom window (not my original bedroom, but my sister's old room that I moved to).
It's nearing the decisive moment of the battle, Jobs has gotten the upper hand—his advantage seems technical rather than numerical; and it's still obvious that Gates has more weapons and firepower. I'm switched from an "opera seat" style view (out of my window) to a floating perspective, again in the air, on the road outside—I'm looking at the hedges and driveway entrance.
Jobs is in there somewhere, and Gates knows it. This is Gates's chance to eliminate Jobs and sink Jobs's victory. Helicopter gun ships hover to my left and unleash a ripping salvo of missiles at the hedge where Jobs is trying to steal to/from. Finally, one of the gunships launches the killer weapon, the biggest killing instrument, the "nuclear option" though I don't think it's a nuclear weapon. A long torpedo like missile is fired and slips through the air very slowly and very very menacingly. It cruises toward the hedge. Jobs darts out. The missile strikes in slow motion like an image of a car in a crash test. Blue waves of plasma sphere out of the hedge—whether Steve Jobs was killed or not seems irrelevant now, everything is ruined. I wake.

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