{2 partials, there was a short waking moment between them I think}
I am getting ready to time travel - using the application in the iPhone. I'm aware there are three things, or stages, that I need to complete before pushing the button and time traveling. These are not related to the software, but to outside events. I'm sure the main event I'm trying to avoid is a nuclear explosion. I'm disorganized and trying to get ready on the fly; there is someone with me, maybe more than one person, but I can't remember them now. I miss the stages that I should've gone through before jumping, and the event I'm trying to time travel away from is beginning. We run for cover; although I should be worried, I'm not too worried - thinking I can just wing my way through. All the while it seems amazing to me that time travel is now possible, and through an application on an iPhone. As I'm tapping through the application menus, the phone is giving me security checks - checks to make sure the user is sure where they are jumping to, that they know what they are doing. The application is asking me questions, asking me to verify things, mostly about the future. Initially the answers can be scrapped together from my present knowledge of future plans, but soon enough the questions become so hard I wouldn't know them unless I'd already been to the future i.e., if I'd already been where I wanted to go. It is at this point I know I can't make the jump I wanted; and that this was more serious than I'd thought - missing my intended jump time has altered everything. I begin to think over "double jumping": jumping back in time to make the original jump in time. The mechanism baffles me, but seems profound.
The scene changes, we seem to be in a kind of museum or display room. There are two people with me. I still have the iPhone. There are three items of clothing on a brown circular plinth - like a cut off tree trunk, but not natural, the plinth is man-made I'm sure. The other two do something to the clothes on display; but I disagree and move them aside. I begin to neatly fold a down jacket as I'd learnt, in waking life, working in fashion. The other two are very skeptical of my skill and jeer a little. Feeling the pressure I concentrate even more, and fold the jacket slower and more purposefully - but I know I can do a professional job, unlike them. The two are won over and are impressed by my skill. As I'm laying the neatly folded jacket on the plinth for display, they come closer, right next to me, and perhaps lend a hand. I lay the jacket very deferently on the plinth, but the display of the three items isn't right. I begin to rearrange it.
All the while I've been aware of a music issue with the iPhone. There was a music playlist, however in the middle of the list was a solitary "random song." This song was always chosen at random from the library, and this choice changed all of the following playlist. I see it graphically as a planar (2D) input/output style figure. The playlist, displayed as a single line, approaches a square or rectangular box, hollow, upon hitting the box, the "random" song, the playlist line is shifted down one of either two playlist possibilities. The random track has changed the outcome, and we can never know in advance which.
{waking moment}
I'm in a bath tub outside, taking a shower. The naked fat girl approaches, she is very fat; but her face has a very profound beauty, and her skin is a lovely milky white. I sense she is some kind of pariah, and I am an alpha male. Convention would have it that we not socialize, but I pity her and make overtures. It seems she wants a shower, and I decide to shower her (with her). We are face to face and I am flirting. She touches my penis and gently massages it, perhaps a little shy, or inexperienced. I want to show her that I'm not turned off, even though I am a little (her body is unattractive). I can not get a full, hard, erection for her, but manage to get my penis turgid. She lets go of it, and I flex it, twice, trying to show her that she was turning me on. She gets in the tub and I am showering her. She is shy to turn around; but I manage to get her to do it by some horse play and an accepting manner. When she turns, she reveals a huge tattoo, covering her whole back. The tattoo is of many many dark green (and perhaps blue) leaves, overlapping each other. She crouches down, half turned away, there is a wooden book cabinet behind her, some of the compartments are slid shut, some are open (and hence I saw the books, and knew it was a book cabinet); I hold the shower head and spray warm water over her body. She seems grateful. I wake.
{there was more to this story: something happening in the background; a more detailed scenario, relationship between us; but I lost it all at waking}
My dreams written down. What is my unconscious trying to tell me?
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- Tom
Likes: writing
Dislikes: those things where you find yourself writing in third-person like someone else wrote the bio on you; but we all know how this works...
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